Netshoes // Maratona de Descontos 2024

CLIENT. Netshoes ROLE. Animation & Compositing


A campaign for the sporting goods store Netshoes, starring the medalist parathlete Walisson Fortes



Since I knew I would need to animate a camera rotation following the runners around the stadium, I created a 3D base to use as a reference for the Character Animation.

I then ended up using the model to finish the scene by adding the details, lights, and textures.



3D model


To achieve the distortions of the scenario proposed by the styleframes, in addition to working with the Focal Length, I needed to use a Lattice and distort the stadium mesh throughout the scene.


What is the best way to animate 10 frames of a secondary element?

Sometimes, when time allows, I like to experiment with new techniques to solve problems.

In this scene, I decided to rig the grass in the corner of the scene and simulate the wind inside Blender.



client: Netshoes

studio: Dirty Work Factory

directed by Oito Olhos (Christopher Rocha e Pedro Fernandes)

executive producer: Ito Andery

producer: Jéssica Sales

animation direction: Jefferson Lima

motion & compositing: Gustavo Miaciro, Saulo de Castro


Pingado Collab // Rotina


PUCPR // Graduação 4D